Local elderly woman, Ushguli, Georgia
Gruzínsko jedlo gurmán
Turistika v Gruzínsku

GRUZÍNSKO – Cyklovýlet

za 1350,00 990,00 

Poďte s nami do hôr Kaukazu, do krásnych zelených udolí, s výhľadmi na ľadovcové pohorie, cez horské priesmyky až dolu ku Čiernemu moru.

Ďalšie termíny: September 2023

Termíny sa dajú prispôsobiť aj na požiadanie.


  • Recenzie 1 Review
  • Druh dovolenky Holiday Type
    Cycling, Discovery, Guided Tours
  • Náročnosť výletu mierna
  • Group Size Medium Group
Všetko o výlete



This trip is for everyone who likes cycling, who likes to admire wild and clean nature, does not depend on luxury, enjoys a bit of romance places, gets to know lovely people and tastes good wine and home made food. The Georgians are very nice and welcoming people and it is a safe place to be. Georgia is a state on the border of Eastern Europe and Asia. It is a former Soviet republic bordering with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey. The country is characterized by rugged surface. The northern part is formed of the Greater Caucasus mountain range. High peaks reaching above 5000 meters. Through the mountain passes of the Caucasus are leading roads connecting the North Caucasus with the South Caucasus. The southern part of Georgia fills a volcanic plateau. The western part of depressions between the Small and the Large Caucasus falls to the Black Sea. The climate is warm, Greater Caucasus prevents cold air masses from the north. Soil cover, flora and fauna are due to its large vertical segmentation extremely colorful and rich. For this trip it is necessary to have a reliable mountain bike, a small luggage carrier or a backpack, good outdoor clothing for warm weather but also for the rain, a bike repair kit, spare tire and basic parts because it is impossible to buy anything on the way.

The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
Čo je zahrnuté v cene?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • Accommodation is in private houses, showers are available.
  • Meals consists mainly from tasty vegetables, bread, butter, cheese and meat.
  • Vegetarians are welcome and they will find nice meals in Georgia too.
  • 8x accommodation
  • 8x half board
  • Profesional English, German, Slovak speaking Cycling guide on the entire trip
  • Transfers in Gerogia
Čo nie je zahrnuté v cene?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.

For this trip it is necessary to have a reliable mountain bike, a small luggage carrier or a backpack, good outdoor clothing for warm weather but also for the rain, a bike repair kit, spare tire and basic parts because it is impossible to buy anything on the way.

  • Your personal insurance, ALPENVEREIN is highly recommended (we are happy to arrange it for you)
  • return flight to and from Georgia, we are happy to book it for you
  • Your equipment (can be also rented and we are happy to arrange it for you)
  • Cost incurred from natural disaster or unfamiliar circumstances
Overall Rating
Reviewed On 28/07/2020

Zúčastnil som sa výletu v jesennom termíne a bol som veľmi príjemne prekvapený. Počasie nám vyšlo na jednotku, až na jeden daždivý deň nám svietilo príjemné slniečko, väčšinu času som bicykloval bez trička. Trasa je zaujímavá, každým dňom pomaly naberáme výšku a odkrývajú sa pohľady na Kaukaz. Sprievodkyňa Maruška mala organizáciu v malíčku a páčilo sa mi, že dĺžku trasy na ďalšie dni vždy prispôsobila po debate s nami našim požiadavkám a kondícii. Všeobecne panovala veľmi dobrá atmosféra a sranda. Občas tomu pomohlo aj ochutnávanie miestnych vín, výborného gruzínskeho koňaku :) a chutného jedla v bufetíkoch a reštauráciách po ceste a aj milí a pohodoví miestni ľudia. Uplne ma dostal pohľad na vrchol Ushba, o ktorom som doteraz čítal len v horolezeckých knižkách. Nebol to môj prvý výlet v Gruzínsku a určite nie posledný. Odporúčam všetkým.